Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Between Yoga And Bodybuilding - 1172 Words

Yoga has many benefits, but few people consider the overlap that exists between yoga and bodybuilding. In truth, the two exercises are more closely connected than many people realize: Both practices focus on improving the human body and, while they might diverge, there are still plenty of exercises and benefits to be found. As a form of exercise, yoga is fantastic for improving vitality, thanks to its focus on improving postures and creating harmony between the body and mind. It s a great practice to improve and counteract some of the effects of bodybuilding. Weightlifting, for example, can often result in short, tight muscles. Yoga can serve as an effective means to counter this, giving you firm but long muscles that are able to†¦show more content†¦Here’s a list of the six most useful positions for bodybuilding. These will enable you to improve your balance, stamina, and agility. 1. Plank It might look simple, but anyone familiar with yoga knows how difficult Plank can be. This position requires you to hold your body away from the ground while maintaining a straight line with your posture. It is this exact movement that helps to build muscles with repeated exercise. Specifically, it will improve the muscles along your inner core. Plank also requires you to maintain a straight back, stretching your body. A unique benefit of this is giving your muscles the opportunity to adapt around your bone structure. This is vital along your back, as it allows your muscle mass to develop and not interfere with your collarbone or shoulder blades. Such benefits are often ignored when weightlifting alone, so Plank can be a useful gap-filling tool in many exercise regimes. Apart from developing a firm, toned stomach, Plank has also been shown to help reduce back pain. For added variety, you can also add Side Planks into your workout. These offer the same benefits, only for the muscles found along the side of the body. 2. Standing Forward Fold Standing Forward Fold—Uttasana—is an ideal position for helping joints and the surrounding muscles. It is commonly used to benefit the development of muscles in the calf, hips, and hamstrings. For this position, practitioners bend

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