Monday, May 18, 2020

The Discovery Of A Human Mission Essay - 1206 Words

We have always been obsessed with finding life, finding resources, and exploration in general. The idea of a human mission to other planets has been around the science-fiction community, popular culture and in the imaginations of people for decades. It has manifested itself in art, cinematography and literature. Concepts have been thought of repeatedly on how this mission would be planned, funded, and executed. We are at a point in history where people are seriously planning the logistics of a human mission to another planet, and it will most likely be Mars. There is also the idea that by making life multi-planetary, it safeguards the existence of humanity in the event that something catastrophic were to happen. Lastly, history has shown that humans always had a drive to explore, experience and conquer new land. Being obsessed with finding life and resources in other planets is an extension of this idea. Our obsession with finding life and resources in other planets can firstly be explained through science fiction, popular culture, and in the imaginations of other people. The idea of life on other planets is shown through many ways in our current culture. Some examples include the movie, The Martian, where an astronaut is left to survive on his own on Mars; and super hero comic books, where characters are sometimes born from another planet. The idea is being considered through NASA’s â€Å"Space Exploration Initiative (SEI)† (Baker, Gwynne, Zubrin 1). The requirements areShow MoreRelatedA Research Study On Space Travel And Exploration1468 Words   |  6 Pageslonger sustain the human race. Space travel and exploration is therefore significant because of the information we can gather from it. Throughout the history of space travel there have been two distinct classes of exploration: human and robotic. 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