Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Chpl500 Writing Assignments

pen Assignwork forcets Liberty Theological Seminary Chpl 500 chaplaincy Foundations Review this document guardedly, preparing ahead of term and in a timely manner is the come upon to success. Submit each designation through with(predicate) the Assignments folder for the appropriate module. For each paper, appraise the general guidelines (Services/Support argona) and in the superfluous Information folder (Course Content political program and Assignment Instructions). mental faculty 1 develop the early history of the chaplaincy need c atomic number 18fully pages 168 (chapters 12) in Bergens text, Emperors, Priests, and Bishops, army Chaplains in the roman print pudding st sensation & The Liturgy of war from Antiquity to the Crusades. A discussion of military chaplains in the Roman imperial period, that is, from approximately 27 BC500 AD exit be examined with alone its difficulties involved. by and by finish your tuition you get outing unavoidableness to do th e next turns pen a two-page paper, spare-time activity Kate Turabian (6th ed. ) format style, explaining the use of holiness in the early history of the chaplaincy.This fitting is intentional to form you to think critic wholey ab bulge out how holiness and those picked to provide religious activities grew into what is now called chaplains. staff 2 Evaluating the duties of chaplains from 1200-1600AD Read carefully pages 69104 (chapters 34) in Bergens text, The gallant Military Chaplain and His Duties & Did the Nature of the Enemy hold in a Difference? Chaplains in the wars of the tercet Kingdoms, 164249. By the mid-thirteenth century, the sacramental and righteous aspects of the chaplains office had achieved a firm groundwork in law. by and by completing your reading you will need to do the future(a) exercise Write a two-page paper, interest Kate Turabian (6th ed. ) arrange style, on evaluating chapters 3-4 using the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) of the chaplains duty during this period of history? This concession is intentional to get you to think critically astir(predicate), the duties of chaplains during this period of history and to come across their difficulties peal their duties.Module 3 Evaluating the chaplains utilization during the Civil War Read carefully pages 105 cxl (chapters 56) in Bergens text, Faith, Morale, and the forces Chaplain in the Ameri send away Civil War & In the Service of Two Kings professionaltestant Prussian Military Chaplains 1713-1918. During the Civil War, a total of approximately 2,500 men served as chaplains in the Union troops. Many of them experience serious problems and concerns during this period of history. After completing your readings you will need to do the undermentioned exercise Write a two page paper, following Kate Turabian (6th ed. formatting style, on the responsibilities and duties of the Civil War Chaplain. This appointee is designed to help you understand the awesome duties these men had to carry out as chaplains and all the issues that so divided our country during this time in American History. Module 4 Evaluating German Chaplains and their legitimacy Read carefully pages 141186 (chapters 78) in Bergens text, Wheres the Padre? Canadian Memory and the considerable War Chaplains & German Military Chaplains in the plunk for World War and the Dilemmas of Legitimacy. Chaplains in the German Army experienced some issues, one of which was their legitimacy as ministers and priest. After completing your readings you will need to do the following exercise Write a two-page paper, following Kate Turabian (6th ed. ) formatting style, on the Pros and Cons on the legitimacy of German Chaplains. This assignment will center your focus on how can ministers serve as chaplains under a dictatorship and still be sure chaplains. Module 5 Evaluating chaplains during the Vietnam EraRead carefully pages 187232 (chapters 910) in Bergens text, We Will Be Experiences of an American Jewish Chaplain in the Second World War & Clergy in the MilitaryVietnam and After One Chaplains Reflections. As you read about a Jewish chaplains experience, it is vital to remember that chaplains are to provide freedom of the exercise of religion to all military members and their families and all defensive structure employees. What does this really mean? If you are a protestant chaplain, do you have to go away a catholic chaplain or Muslim, and so on? Pluralism is important.You should understand the duties you are to carry out under this term. These two chapters and your written assignment should assist you. Once you have ruined your reading assignment, you will need to do the following exercises Write a two-page paper, following Kate Turabian (6th ed. ) formatting style, on the topic What is pluralism? You whitethorn use other resources non include in this course to assist you in this assignment. Module 6 Evaluating chaplains from mor ale builders to moral advocates Read carefully pages 233270 (chapters 1112) in Bergens text, From Morale Builders to Moral Advocates U.S. Army Chaplains in the Second Half of the ordinal Century & In Place of an Afterword My blood with Fr. William Corby, C. S. C. Chaplains are essential to Commanders, to First Sergeants, and to their parish on moral issues. With todays moral philosophy changing from day to day and from accost to court rulings, it is vital that chaplains know and understand moral issues and be ready to let out out on them as they bear on to the military service. Once you have finished your reading assignment you will need to do the following Write a two-page paper, following Kate Turabian (6th ed. formatting style, on wherefore is it important for chaplains to address moral issues with their commanders and parish. This assignment is designed to help you understand that chaplains are moral advocates and must address the pigment moral issues of our day. Modul e 7 Identifying the USAF, USA, & dark blue Chaplains Role of Today look out carefully the video clips on the heterogeneous Armed Forces Chaplain Services and take notes about their history and the duties of the chaplains.After completing your viewing you will need to complete the following assignments Write a two-page paper, following Kate Turabian (6th ed. ) formatting style, on one of the Branches of Service and discuss the Chaplains Ministry in the areas of Worship, Counseling, Visitation, and Readiness-War-Time Preparedness. You may choose the USA, USAF, or USN to write about. You do not have to write on all three choose only one branch of service to discuss. The purpose of this assignment is to aid students in a let out nderstanding of how a chaplains role and duties take issue depending on which branch one serves in. Module 8 Evaluating the geneva form Read Articles 145 on the following website of the geneva Convention and be alert to explain the chaplains role as a pri soner of war. History has proven that chaplains are a vital resource during wartime, and particularly in a POW Camp. The Geneva Convention lays out the roles and responsibilities of chaplains when captured and placed in a POW Camp. It is of most richness that chaplains know the GC guidelines as they touch on to them.This assignment will assist you in understanding your role as a chaplain in a POW Camp. After reading your assigned readings on the articles of the Geneva Convention, you will need to complete the following assignments. Write a two-page paper, following Kate Turabian (6th ed. ) formatting style, on the importance of the Geneva Convention as it relates to chaplains who are POWs. This assignment is designed to underpin the importance of the chaplains role when captured and placed in a POW Camp.

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