Thursday, July 25, 2019

SAM 344 UNIT 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SAM 344 UNIT 1 - Essay Example the past, top administrators of sports organizations used to dictate or make decisions in consideration to other factors, overlooking the characteristics of the target market segments. But they have realized that failure to take into consideration their needs, tastes and preferences, along with their attitudes and beliefs towards the products and services is counterproductive to the marketing gains made. Thus the sports organizations are today investing in efforts to acquire information regarding their target market segments (Chelladurai, 2006). Knowing the behaviors, attitudes, tastes and preferences of the target audiences is alone enough for firms to determine the sports marketing match. To do this, marketing research is needed. Marketing research helps an organization to have an idea of the hearts and thoughts of the sports fanatics. In the process, they acquire knowledge of who the fans are, whether they are excited or satisfied, what should be sponsored, and the various ways in which the sports sponsorship will influence customers (Chelladurai, 2006). The twenty-first century witnessed major changes in the demographic characteristics of the target audience. A case in point was women’s growing interests in sports. As fanatics in the sports industry transform, marketers ought to be continuously informed of their changing demographic characteristics as well as their interests. They must also assess the impacts that their sports sponsorship programs have on consumer behavior (Chelladurai, 2006). Finally, as marketers look into other factors dictating sports marketing, they need to understand that fan satisfaction, growth rate and loyalty are all significant considerations in marketing

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