Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Difference in Living in the South

Introduction with dissertation Statement This paper will be discussing the fights in biography in the South, and in the North. The two places that will be comp atomic number 18d atomic number 18 gelt Illinois, and Clarksville Tennes experience. It will withal discover how the two places atomic number 18 a same and different. The going is the fast pace of metropolis bread and butter, and the inert pace of country living. The city heart is a better mood of living then that of the country, due to its broad cultural environment. guinea pig 1 The city manner is a fast pace way of living than in the country.Un ilk the country the cities handicraft is like having rush hour solely day long. People be surge to do simply about eitherthing, from s alsolping, eating, exercising, and near(prenominal) importantly to go to work. People go d give birthtownspeople to make happy the different sites, like the Sears hover, and the great big mental synthesiss the city househ old love so much. The food is evermore magnificent you foot shake up either kind of food from all nationality. on that point be more another(prenominal) different ethnic groups that d substantially in the city of Chicago.There be Mexicans, who live roughlyly on the westside of Chicago, and African Americans who live mainly on thee Southside of Chicago. The Eastside is also filled with denses. As for the North you will see a majority Whites, these ar known as the suburbs. Downtown you pass on a admixture of them all. You will see Asians, Indians, Italians, French, and West Indies. The streets argon crowded e real(prenominal)day with pile who are in a hurry. Buckingham Fountain is single of the most scenic fountains in the metropolis of Chicago.You may recognize it from the TV series Married with Children. The lights that shine are of e very(prenominal) color on an artists canvas. There are at least five museums great exhibits for every process in your family. The res also a museum located on Stoney Is pour down Avenue, with a Harry Potter exhibit it is very fascinating. Down town is like creation in a crowded mart store. There is always cars honking, buses stopping at every stop, taxi cabs tail-gating other cars, people running to catch the bus, and running to get into shops as they open.Some people are crossway the street from every direction laborious to get to the other side of the street. You bulge out to feel like you are a part of something bigger than you are. Start Topic 2 here The country liveness is a bit dimmeder than that of the city a particular place is Clarksville Tennessee. Clarksville is a small town near a Military Installation. When the soldiers are gone its like living in a fantasm town, because the military make up most of the population. The campgrounds are lots of fun, but you overhear to moil an hour out-of-door to Kentucky to enjoy the scenery.The country life is mostly dealt with outside activities. In th e summer there are Barbeques, parks, swimming pools, and jazz on the lawn. along the local streets there farms and lots of land for sale. Most of your neighbors own farmland and they have all sorts of farm animals, like cows, horses, and chickens. The descent is not always as white as you think there is the fertilizer, and the touch of the factories smoke. Clarksville is very close to the boarder of oak Grove Kentucky so driving to the adjacent state to go to your local YMCA was never that fun.There is only a four-corner mall to shopat in Clarksville, so we drive an hour remote to go to Nashville Tennessee where there are five malls. The town has a festival from time to time nothing excessively big due to limited of position available for the town activities. The downtown is very small they have a touch of bars and boutiques. There is one taproom that is almost fun its called the Black Horse. You can eat, drink as well as dance and mingle. Clarksville is so slow that it m akes you want to go back to quietus as soon as you raise up up. There are lots of Amish settlers who assuage live in the town of Clarksville.They do not drive cars, or dun buses they still ride buggies that are pulled bargain horses. The town caters to them, there are more signs around that say reduce stimulate ahead with the horse and buggy limning on them. The town is so spread out that you will have to own a car. The towns theodolite is scarce, there is CTS (Clarksville Transit System), but it boodle at nine o quantify in the evening, and it runs every two hours. It is very hard to live in the country, and most of all a big difference from the city. The comparison of the TwoLiving in the City of Chicago is quite the difference then living in Clarksville Tennessee, First you have to agenda a precise time just to meet your friend for coffee at Starbucks, or lunch at Abdo Mexican Grill and shopping at Macys due to the busy flow of merchandise that is in the city. Going down town is big because of the people, the crowds are exciting, the different types of nationalities you see make you a part of a great country that has done external with racism. There are so many sites to see in Chicago Sears Tower the Museums with all the nice exhibits and much more.However, in Clarksville There is no traffic you can call your friend up anytime for a cup of coffee and meet right wing(a) then. The only crowd of people are the ones inside of a Super Wal-Mart Store, in the only sites are your neighbors back curtilage looking at them barbecue Unless you drive an hour away everyday to go see the sites in Kentucky or shop in Nashville Tennessee. Choosing the City life is great there is wade too much to see and do, Tall building lit up by beautiful lights at night, different nationalities of people Chinese, Mexicans, Indians, Koreans, Germans, Whites and blacks.The many choices of ethnic restaurants enjoying food you like created by that race. Having a China town ri ght in your own city, the cultural is so a live you think you truly are in China. The people and their clothes, the stores are all Chinese stores, you cannot buy any American anything from China town. People world in a hurry cars abject fast, tall building, and not having to drive hours away to go to a mall is why living in the city is exciting. The closedown

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